Appointments. North Beverley Medical Centre, Pighill Lane, Off Woodall Way, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 7JY

North Beverley Medical Centre

Pighill Lane
Off Woodall Way
HU17 7JY
Telephone: 01482 882546

Medical Emergencies dial 999

Out of Hours:  dial  111

Logo Providing NHS services


The following sections provide  information on how to chose the best service for your needs. Our patients can access primary care services via virtual, remote or, if appropriate, face-to-face interactions.

Help Us to Help You


Access Care More Conveniently

Pharmacists are able to offer a breadth of support to patients close to home thanks to a new service that allows them to supply  medications for certain conditions.

Pharmacists are now allowed to supply medications for:

  • Sinusitis in those aged 12 years and over
  • Sore throat in those aged 5 years and over
  • Earache in those between 1 and 17 years old
  • Infected insect bite
  • Impetigo
  • Shingles in those over 18 years old
  • Uncomplicate urinary tract infections (UTIs in women aged 16-64

Away from home?

If you're away from home and need to see a GP, you can contact any GP surgery nearby.

You can receive emergency treatment from a GP surgery for up to 14 days – for example, if you fall ill while on holiday. If your treatment will last longer than that, you'll have to register as a temporary or permanent resident.

You can register as a temporary resident if you're in the area for longer than 24 hours but less than 3 months. If you'll be in the area for longer than 3 months, you'll have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.

>> NHS FURTHER INFORMATION>> NHS 111 online>> call nhs 111>> find a pharmacy>> sexual health gum clinic>> services a -z>> urgent treatment centre>> emergencies>> your health control panel

Armed Forces Veterans

If you are a veteran of the UK Armed Forces, the NHS is here to help improve your health and wellbeing and keep you mentally and physically well. It is also here to help you get better when you are ill and, when you cannot fully recover, to stay as well as you can until the end of your life.

Download the Charter by clicking the link below


Translation Services

The move to remote consultation and use of PPE in face-to-face consultations requires additional considerations. For example, the impact of PPE on lip reading.

The GOV.UK website provides advice for the public and is translated into multiple languages. The Doctors of the World has translated relevant NHS guidance into 60 languages. Communication tips and BSL interpreters are available for supporting people with hearing loss to access general practice services

Health Control Panel

The buttons below provide rapid access to key health services. For a full list of all available services, please also see the main website navigation at the top or foot of each website page.

Urgent or Emergency Care 24/7

999 is for medical emergencies only. If it is less than an emergency, call 1-1-1 for advice 24/7 365 days a year.
Use the buttons below to know what is an emergency or urgent care circumstance. We also list some common emergency conditions where urgent action may be appropriate.  Learning about first aid is an important skill for all citizens and can save lives.

When the Surgery is Closed

When the surgery is closed, the NHS is still here for you.  For medical emergencies , call 999. NHS 111 service is available 24/7 365 days a year for health advice and to arrange appropriate care. NHS 111 is available online or by calling 1-1-1.  Extended Hours services may be available according to local arrangements. Pharmacy services may be available at times when your GP surgery is closed. For patients with long-term conditions a wide range of support services and extended hours helplines  are available from various organisations. Please check our specific condition pages for information.

Self Help

Self help may be appropriate for patients managing mild symptoms associated with long-term conditions or dealing with self-limiting minor ailments - such as colds or flu. Many seasonal illnesses can be successfully treated at home and by appropriately using over-the-counter medications. In some cases, it may be appropriate to seek advice from the NHS 111 service - especially in cases of asthma. Asthma attacks should be treated as a medical emergency. In you are unsure, NHS 111 can help.

Health Professionals

The NHS is under severe pressure so it is important to access the right level of care appropriate to your concerns. GP practices are now able to offer a wide-range of services through your GP, Practice Nurse or other health professionals.  You can contact the practice for medical matters by using the NHS App or by speaking to our care navigators during practice opening hours. Your GP may not be the most appropriate health professional to deal with your problem and a member of our team will be able to help organise the most appropriate care to meet your needs in an effective and safe time frame. Use the buttons below and for additional options explore our navigation at the top of each page or in the footer section. 

Practice Appointments

Appointments can be made by booking online at any time or by telephoning 01482 882546.


Phone lines are open from 08.00, although due to call volume early in the day, we recommend that you call later for non-urgent requests and queries. If requesting an appointment, please be prepared to give our team as much information as possible to help us understand your requirements.

The practice participates in the East Riding-wide scheme to help patients find the right help sooner. Our receptionist team will ask you for a little bit more information about the reason for your call when you contact the practice.

With this information and access to a local directory of healthcare services, they can provide you with options for talking to or seeing a healthcare professional or service that is more appropriate for your condition. This means you may not have to wait to talk to or see a doctor first. You can now also talk to or see our Advanced Nurse Practitioners Justine Jenkinson and Alison Rodman. Justine and Alison can talk to or see adults for most issues and can give you a prescription or refer you to other services in most cases in the same way as a GP. If appropriate to your issue, when you contact us to request an appointment you will be offered a routine telephone appointment which could be within the next 3-4 weeks in the first instance. You do not need to call back each morning to try and book an appointment on that day.

Booking ahead is generally more appropriate for non-urgent issues, means that you have a better chance of seeing your preferred GP and allows you to better plan your visit. Appointments will be available each day for urgent issues only. For all appointments you will be asked by our team for a little bit of further information so that we can help arrange the most appropriate care for you. If you prefer not to give any details to the reception team that is fine, the receptionist can still book an appointment for you. It is also entirely your choice whether to take on board any suggestions offered to you. 

Please note that due to additional safety arrangements for Covid-19 all new appointment requests are currently via phone in the first instance. These are bookable online each morning. The Clinician will arrange to see you face to face if this is appropriate. Please note that we cannot always call if you have blocked anonymous phone calls. If this will cause an issue, please note this at time of booking.

We operate an evening service on Tuesday aimed at patients who find it difficult to be available during the working day. This is bookable via reception. You can also book in person at the surgery although this might not be the best option with the current risks of Covid-19.Appointments can be made with your preferred Clinician if available but this may not be possible for any urgent issues which need to be discussed the same day. The duration of an Advanced Nurse Practitioner and GP appointment is 15 minutes. Please book a separate appointment for each patient. If you are unsure about the best option to meet your requirements or would like to try online booking, please ask the reception team for advice or more information.

In addition to our GPs, we have access to a wide range of healthcare professionals and services which may provide the most appropriate response for your needs. 

Urgent cases will be seen as a priority and less urgent cases can be booked ahead.

Our Advanced Nurse Practitioners are able to deal with many routine adult cases and can issue prescriptions or refer top other health professionals.

Home Visits

Most medical problems can be dealt with at the surgery, and patients are generally encouraged to attend the practice for a consultation with their doctor, if at all possible.

However, we fully understand that some conditions or circumstances make surgery attendance impossible. In such cases we would ask that you phone the surgery before 10am.